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Top 3 Excuses Businesses Make For Not Recycling

Recently, we tackled common excuses why people don’t recycle at home – but residents aren’t the only ones with excuses. While business recycling is becoming more common, we continue to hear reasons for not taking part. We hope this post offers a greener perspective.

1. “We don’t have space for another dumpster” 

“We can’t give up another parking space for a recycling dumpster.” -OR- “Our corral isn’t big enough for a second container.” 

(Note: A corral typically refers to a fenced-in, paved area constructed for trash and recycling containers.)

Consider This

Space doesn’t have to get in the way of recycling. Rumpke’s operations team has experience reorganizing areas to make effective use of space. Rumpke offers a complete line of container options, with various sizes, styles and features. Recycling is possible for almost all businesses, even with limited space.

2. “It’s going to be TOO much work”

“It’s not going to be easy. If our employees or custodians have to spend extra time, they won’t recycle.”

Consider This

Successful recycling programs should be easy and convenient. Rumpke, for example, helps businesses plan their program and educate staff to ensure success.

Here are some important considerations when setting up your program:

  • Where will trash and recycling containers be?
  • What types of indoor containers will be used?
  • Who will regularly empty the containers?
  • Will additional supplies be necessary to transport trash and recycling to the proper outdoor container?
  • To increase participation, we recommend placing a recycling container beside every trash can. This makes the decision to recycle very easy.

There’s no need to purchase expensive indoor recycling containers, as long as they’re clearly labeled. Consider repurposing some of your trash cans with new labels. Or, collect material in cardboard boxes, such as the ones that hold copy paper.

It’s important to gain support from the custodial staff before starting. Discuss how they may adjust their routine without additional time. When staff understand how important they are to the program, they’re likely to be onboard.

3. “It’s going to cost TOO much” 

“We need to make cutbacks, not additional expenditures. We just can’t afford to do it.”

Consider This

It’s typical for recycling businesses to attain a “net-neutral” outcome for their clients’ businesses. To do so, the entire process – not just individual components – should be considered.

An increase in recycling often means a reduction in trash. Budget and space limits are often offset when businesses decrease their service frequency or container size. 

Waste and recycling audits are usually available from your local recycling company to help determine the best options for managing your waste stream. Waste and recycling audits help identify what can be recycled, reduced, or reused.

No More Excuses

There will always be excuses to NOT start recycling, but there’s usually an easy solution. Small and large businesses can make a difference by starting a recycling program. Start the journey of recycling more and trashing less.