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A Day With a Rumpke Recycling Education Specialist

With the Midwest’s most advanced recycling facilities, Rumpke has given communities and schools access to the latest clean, green recycling machines.

But it takes more than machines to recycle 700 million pounds per year.

That’s why communities that recycle with Rumpke receive educational resources to support their recycling program. Rumpke representatives and our mascot Binny help out by visiting schools to host assemblies and get students excited about recycling.

Why schools? Besides being an ideal learning environment, teaching school-age children to recycle reinforces environmental habits at a young age. Like tying your shoes, what you learn and practice as a kid eventually become second-nature.

We recently visited two Cleveland schools that were eager to get students involved in their new Rumpke Recycling programs. At Towslee Elementary we encountered an energetic bunch of kids, with powerful imaginations and little arms that shot up like rockets every time we asked a question. They were eager just to learn something new.

The next stop though, The University School in Shaker Heights, really spoke to the importance of recycling education. These kids were like sponges, absorbing and attempting to relate every word we spoke. During the assembly, students participated by creating their own recycling campaign. Students used recycling fun facts, a healthy dose of imagination and political jargon to appeal to peers for their vote. One group created the “Aluminum Can Rap Song” to make their case and win the election.

It’s easy to forget what it was like to be a kid – what it felt like to crave new information and how exhilarating learning could be. But that childhood eagerness is what makes it so important to get kids involved early. They have what it takes to make a difference. All they need are some tools and guidance.

Ready to get started? Click the link below to download resources and get kids involved in recycling. 

  • Educational Resources - List and links to educational videos, websites and more.

About Rumpke’s Education & Outreach Tactics:

Rumpke uses environmental education and outreach to help communities implement programs and learn to recycle right. The fundamental goal is to provide our customers the tools they need to increase recycling and reduce waste.

  • Tours at Rumpke Recycling facilities, transfer stations and landfills (hosting more than 10,000 visitors, annually).
  • Presentations and assemblies for schools, campuses, workplaces and civic organizations.
  • Social media engagement (Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest).
  • Participation at environmental fairs, industry expos and community events.
  • On-site learning events for officials, media and environmental groups.
  • Sponsorships for environmental and community causes.
  • Educational materials such as handouts, activities and videos.
  • Assistance with student research projects.

Contact Rumpke Education Specialists to learn more about options in your community.